Press Release

learningBOX, Inc. Renewed Corporate Purpose Page

AI Utilization to Provide Learning Opportunities for More People

learningBOX, Inc., on the occasion of its 11th anniversary of incorporation, has renewed its corporate purpose page to clarify its role and business existence in society, and based on its aspirations and beliefs, the page will contribute to building the ideal future. It is expected that this attempt will lead to providing learning opportunities to more people by expanding the scope of development from a broader perspective.

"PDB" in learningBOX

Purpose: Internal and Voluntary Aspirations

learningBOX is a "box" that supports all kinds of learning.
We are determined to be the most user-centric platform
to deliver learning opportunities.
We will contribute to creating a future
where everyone can enjoy learning.

Dream: Realizable Dreams and Visions

Straightforward, sincere, positive and fun.
To change the world, we will become No.1 in global market share.
Create a future where people can learn freely and make everyone happy.
Our dream is to do well and seriously make it all come true.

Belief: Strong Beliefs that Are Engraved in Each and Every Employee.

In formulating the Purpose Driven Business (PDB), we launched a project in which all employees worked as one to determine the "PDB" for the learningBOX. Over a period of more than six months, we created more than 100 proposals. We will continue to move forward into the future, cherishing each and every soulful word that we have thought through.

▼learningBOX "PDB" Page

▼Behind-the-Scenes of the Purpose Project

Why "PDB"?

Prepared with reference to Takashi Nawa (2021), "Purpose Management: Capturing the Present from the Perspective of 30 Years Ahead," Toyo Keizai Inc.

Professor Takashi Nawa, Hitotsubashi ICS, who describes purpose as aspiration and advocates "Purposism" as the management base following capitalism. Recently, this shift from capitalism to purposism has been attracting attention.
As for capitalism, mission, vision and value were common concepts. This "MVV" is external, on the other hand, the "PDB" (Purpose, Dream, Belief) of the purposism is a more internal concept.
We thought that "PDB" would be a good match for expressing our aspirations, and these internal concepts would be easy to permeate the company, which led to the formulation of our new purpose page.

We have great aspirations, a grand dream that we want to fulfill, and a strong belief that we can make it happen. We valued the importance of expressing this in our own words and in an easy-to-understand manner.

Our initiatives and achievements are as follows.

"QuizGenerator" Released in 2011

QuizGenerator is a free tool that allows anyone to easily create and publish quizzes on the Web. President of learningBOX, Inc., Yoichiro Nishimura, an engineer who has been involved in e-learning system development since he was a university student, developed it as a semi-hobby and released it completely free for commercial use, with the hope that anyone would be able to create Web quizzes freely.

The e-learning system "learningBOX" became a hot topic by word of mouth on the Internet, and the development of the e-learning system "learningBOX" was triggered when we received messages of appreciation for its ease of use from user owners of small and medium-sized businesses and instructors of private cram schools, as well as requests for storing scores and managing students. (QuizGenerator service page:

Free AI-Powered Quiz Form & Open Source of "ChatGPT" Released

Illustration by Yoichiro Nishimura, President of learningBOX, Inc.

A page on the QuizGenerator service website that allows users to experience quiz generation by AI in conjunction with ChatGPT will be available from May 2023. There is no need to register, just enter a short subject and the quiz will be generated automatically.

In April 2023, the source code created by President Yoichiro Nishimura, was released to the public free of charge so that "ChatGPT" can be used in a manner that takes into consideration the handling of information. By using this source code, you can easily build your own dedicated ChatGPT environment. The input content will not be used for training by OpenAI, which conducts research and development of AI, and includes document summarization, proofreading, and translation functions.
(Related release:

Project of e-Learning Introduction in Pakistan

learningBOX, Inc. has signed an outsourcing contract with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to complete a basic survey (October 2021 - September 2022) on the introduction of e-learning in Pakistan. In this survey, we are continuing the project with our local counterpart, the Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (P-TEVTA).
From September (partially October) of 2022, contents have been distributing to students in GCT schools (public schools) to promote learning. We will continue to implement various initiatives to promote e-learning.
(Related release:

Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) to Support Students Studying Abroad

learningBOX, Inc. supports Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow), a public-private partnership to promote study abroad ( to develop global human resources who can play an active role in the world in the future. We will continue to support children through various activities.

Donated Bulletin Boards to a Local Elementary School

learningBOX, Inc. donated bullet boards produced by Asahi Photo News Inc. to an elementary school in the same district where the learningBOX headquarters is located. These boards continues to provide children with valuable and reliable information that they should value in an age when information is freely available. We believe that this donation will help children to enjoy broadening their horizons and cultivate their reading and thinking skills.
(Related release:

We will start small and steadily, but we will also contribute to achieving Goal 4 (quality education for all) of the SDGs toward a future in which everyone in the world can learn freely, anytime and anywhere.

In the field of employee training and school education, the shortage of human resources and manpower is becoming an issue. Recently, the promotion of digital transformation is required in the field of education as well, and AI-based education is attracting attention.

The trend is toward "Create with AI, learn with AI," as it enables a significant reduction in resources and more efficient education.


Representative Director Yoichiro Nishimura
learningBOX is a cloud-based e-learning system that focuses on ease of use and low-cost. No specialized IT knowledge is required, and users can easily create and manage contents, users and track users' progress.
By incorporating the power of AI into learningBOX, we believe that various benefits can be obtained, including individual optimization of learning, improvement of classes based on data, and reduction of educators' workloads by providing instructional support.

learningBOX, Inc. plans to implement AI assist functions in conjunction with ChatGPT in September 2023.

Quizzes and memorization cards can be automatically generated with a single click from videos, URLs and other uploaded contents to learningBOX, etc.

In addition, features such as AI analyzing submitted reports based on model answers and assisting in the scoring process will be introduced.

We are planning to implement various AI-powered functions in the future with the concept of "Create with AI, learn with AI."

Director/Product Owner Kazuhiro Mori

We will continue to focus on expanding our development areas with the goal of providing AI-friendly services so that more people can make effective use of AI. Thank you for being a part of learningBOX.

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