Public statement regarding personal information

Handling of Personal Information

1. Purpose of use of personal information handled by the Company

(1) Purposes of use of personal information obtained directly from the person in writing (including personal information obtained through websites, e-mails, etc.)

(2) Purposes of use of personal information acquired by methods other than the preceding paragraph

ClassificationPurpose of use
Information on the person in charge of business partnersTo confirm order details (communication records, etc.)
Personal information entrusted to us by our customers in connection with our business operationsTo manage the personal information registered in the e-learning system and to carry out the relevant operations in an appropriate manner

Dissemination of matters concerning retained personal data

With regard to requests from the individual or his/her representative for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "Request for Disclosure, etc.") of retained personal data or records provided to a third party held by the Company, the following procedures will be used. The following procedures will be used to respond to such requests.

(a) Name, address, and name of representative of the business
Yoichiro Nishimura, Representative Director, learningBOX Corporation
216-1 Domoto, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno-shi, Hyogo

(b) Personal Information Protection Manager
Administrator name: Masao Monda
Department: Administration Department

(c) Purpose of use of all retained personal data

ClassificationPurpose of use
Personal customer informationTo send materials that explain the services and usage of the e-learning system
To apply for e-learning systems (paid or free), etc.
To verify the operation of the e-learning system and for backup
To conduct optimal sales activities for customers
To respond to inquiries about quiz creation tools, e-learning systems, and various other inquiries
To deliver advertisements tailored to your interests and to improve the accuracy of measuring advertising effectiveness.
Information on the person in charge of business partnersTo send materials that explain the services and usage of the e-learning system
To apply for e-learning systems (paid or free), etc.
To verify the operation of the e-learning system and for backup
To conduct optimal sales activities for customers
To respond to inquiries about quiz creation tools, e-learning systems, and various other inquiries
To deliver advertisements tailored to your interests and to improve the accuracy of measuring advertising effectiveness.
Information on our employeesTo manage personnel and labor management, business management, health management, and security management of employees
Information on applicants for employment with the CompanyTo contact applicants for employment and to manage the Company's recruitment operations
To deliver advertisements tailored to your interests and to improve the accuracy of measuring advertising effectiveness.
specified personal informationFor the purposes of use stipulated in the Numbering Law

(d) Contact for complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data
Administration Department, learningBOX, Inc.
216-1 Domoto, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno-shi, Hyogo 679-4129, Japan

(e) Authorized personal information protection organization
Name of the authorized personal information protection organization that the Company is a member of: Japan Information Processing Development Corporation
Contact for resolution of complaints: Personal Information Protection Complaints Office
Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Phone number: 03-5860-7565 Toll-free: 0120-700-779
This is not the place to make inquiries about our products and services.

(f) Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data or records provided to third parties
(1) Contact for requests for disclosure, etc.
For requests for disclosure, etc., please contact the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above.
*If you wish to request disclosure, etc. through electromagnetic procedures, please so request. In principle, we will process your request accordingly.

(2) Procedures for requests for disclosure, etc.
(1) After receiving your request, we will mail you the prescribed request form "Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data".
Please send the completed request form, a document verifying that the request is made by a representative, and a postal money order for the handling fee (only for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure) to the Personal Information Inquiry Desk above.
(3) After receiving the above request form, we will inquire about two items of personal information (e.g., telephone number and date of birth) that can be used to verify your identity among the personal information registered with us.
(4) As a general rule, responses will be made in writing (by sealed envelope mail) to the person in question.

(3) In the case of a request made by a representative, documents confirming the representative's identity
If the person making the request for disclosure, etc. is a representative, please enclose materials proving that the person is a representative and materials proving the representative's identity. The registered domicile information included in each document should be limited to the prefecture, and any information after that should be blacked out. Please send documents that do not include your personal number, or black out all digits.

(i) Documents proving that the person is an agent
<In the case of an agent authorized by the person making the request for disclosure, etc.
Power of attorney of the principal (original)
<If the proxy is a legal representative of a minor> A copy of either
official copy of the family register
Certificate of residence (with your relationship listed)
Other official documents that can confirm the right of legal representation
<If the proxy is a legal representative of an adult ward> A copy of either
(Certificate of Registered Matters Concerning Guardianship Registration, etc.)
Other official documents that can confirm the right of legal representation

(2) Documents proving the proxy's identity
driver's license
Health insurance card (please submit with all digits of the symbol, number, etc. of the insured person, etc. inked)
certificate of residence

(4) Fees for requests for notification or disclosure of purpose of use
1,000 yen per request
(For paper requests, please enclose a money order with the invoice you send us. If you wish to make your request by other means, we will discuss this with you at the time of your request).

(g) Details of the system for handling personal information and the measures being taken
(1) Formulation of basic policy
To ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have established a "Personal Information Protection Policy" regarding "compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc." and "contact for handling questions and complaints.

(2) Establishment of discipline in the handling of personal data
For each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., we have established personal information protection rules regarding handling methods, responsible persons/persons in charge, and their duties, etc.

(3) Organizational safety control measures
(1) In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal data, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and establishes a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that the Company becomes aware of facts or signs of violation of the law or handling regulations.
(2) Periodic self-inspections are conducted on the status of personal data handling, as well as audits by other departments and outside parties.

(4) Human safety control measures
(1) Regular training is provided to employees on points to keep in mind regarding the handling of personal data.
(2) Items regarding confidentiality of personal data are included in the employment regulations.

(5) Physical safety control measures
(1) In the areas where personal data is handled, the Company controls the access of employees and restricts the equipment, etc. they may bring in, and has taken measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
(2) Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal data, and measures are taken to prevent personal data from being easily discovered when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried, including within the business site.

(6) Technical safety control measures
(1) Access control is implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information database, etc. handled.
(2) A system is in place to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

(h) Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
1) Personal information provided will not be provided to third parties, except as required by law.

2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if you agree to this Privacy Policy, Google Extended Conversion will be used to deliver advertisements tailored to your interests and to improve the accuracy of ad effectiveness measurement. For details, please refer to the following.

Overview of Google Ads Extended Conversion Services

Privacy Policy of Google LLC

Disable ad serving using Google Extended Conversion

3) Information provided
Hashed name, address, email address, and phone number data

4) Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties in Foreign Countries
We will provide all or part of the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number data from the personal information provided by our customers to a third party in a foreign country to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes described in "Handling of Personal Information". Please refer to the following link for the name of the third party, the name of the service, the system for the protection of personal information in the foreign country to which the information is provided, the measures taken by the third party to protect personal information, and other information that should be of reference to the customer himself/herself.

Name of service provider: Google LLC
Country of destination: United States of America
For information on measures taken to protect personal information
Privacy Policy of Google LLC

Advertising - Policies and Terms
Use by Google of information collected from sites and applications that use Google services
Legal Indication Items for Japanese Users

(i) Acquisition of personal information in a manner not easily recognizable by the person concerned
The Company uses Google Analytics and cookies on the web pages operated by the Company. In addition, the Company uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) data encryption system for all parts of the Company's website where personal information is entered. However, due to the nature of Internet communications, we cannot guarantee complete security. Please understand this in advance.

1) About Google Analytics
1 What is Google Analytics?
This is a technology to obtain statistics about the fact of access to a specific web page and the usage rate, etc., by grasping the access status to the web page.
2 About the use of Google Analytics
We may use Google Analytics for the following purposes. However, no personally identifiable information will be obtained through this use.
To understand access to specific web pages and the display of those pages.
Used in conjunction with cookies to obtain detailed statistical information.
To provide more tailored services to visitors with the above.
To improve the web page with the above.

2) About Cookies
1 What is a cookie?
Cookies are a mechanism for storing information on your computer, such as usage history and input content, that is sent and received between your Internet browsing software (hereinafter referred to as "browser") and the server when you use a Web page. When you use a web page, a cookie is a mechanism to store in your computer the usage history and input contents that are sent and received between your Internet browsing software (hereinafter referred to as "browser") and the server. If the customer's browser is set to allow the sending and receiving of cookies, the Company will obtain cookies from the customer's browser. Note that the customer's browser will only send the cookies sent and received by the server of the website the customer visits to protect privacy.
2 About cookie settings
You can change the settings for sending and receiving cookies from your browser. The setting method differs depending on the browser. Please refer to the "Help" menu of the browser you are using for information on how to configure settings related to cookies. However, if you set your browser to reject some or all of the cookies on the web pages operated by the Company, you may not be able to receive services that require authentication, or you may be restricted from using the various services provided by the Company.
3 Our use of cookies
We use cookies for the following purposes
To display the most appropriate advertisement on the web pages operated by the Company or on the web pages of other companies, based on the contents of the customer's interest and the usage of the web pages operated by the Company.
To understand and investigate the visit history and usage contents of the web pages operated by the Company.
To improve the service of the web page operated by the Company.
To provide customized services to our customers.
4 Opting Out of Cookies
If you wish to disable behaviorally-targeted advertising via cookies, please click on the companies' links below to opt-out.
Google, LLC:
HubSpot Japan K.K.:

Date of enactment July 1, 2018
Date of revision May 27, 2024

The End
