
Notice of Changes to the Terms of Use, etc.

We would like to thank you for using learningBOX and QuizGenerator.
We are pleased to announce the following revisions to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Free Plan (Free Plan)If the owner-manager does not agree to the revised terms and conditions after the effective date, users (registered members) will not be able to log in.
For those who subscribe to a paid plan, regardless of the classification of owner-manager or user (registered member)The service is available as usual.

Revision date (effective date): Wednesday, November 16, 2022
You may agree to the revised terms and conditions from *midnight.
Revised terms and conditions: LearningBOX Terms of Service (*For details, please refer to here)
Handling of Personal Information (*For details, please contact here)
Eligible Plans: Shared server subscribers (Dedicated servers are not eligible)

If you have any questions regarding this revision of the Terms and Conditions, please contact us at the following e-mail address.

(*We are operating on a reduced scale of support due to the new coronavirus infection control measures. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.)

The End

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