Press Release

Leveraging Learning Data for Students Success, DX in Education

Work Efficiency, Cost-Saving, Automated Assessment

learningBOX, Inc. is pleased to announce that the e-learning system "learningBOX" will add new features for online schools at the end of March, 2024 (scheduled).

The Impact of Digitalization in Education

According to the "Basic School Survey 2023 Finalized Figures" released by MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan) on December 20, 2023, there were 264,974 students in senior high schools (correspondence courses) as of May 1, 2023. This is an 11.1% increase over the previous year and a record high.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, awareness of the correspondence system has spread rapidly, and new correspondence high schools and campuses are opening all over Japan. Also, more and more high schools with full-time programs are offering online courses, and it is known that many students are enrolling in online high schools after graduating from junior high school.

While the number of students in online high schools continues to increase, the administrative school amanement has been more complicating, and promoting digitalization in education becomes the urgent need. In addition to the curriculum and learning methods, it plays a crucial role to innovate the work efficiency and organizational structure for the effective school management corresponding to the situation.

Reference Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Basic School Survey - Summary of results for 2023

Assessment Tag and Grading Workflow are Coming Soon

An e-learning system, learningBOX, is used by many users across industries and business sectors for a variety of purposes, including employee training, certification and qualification exams, knowledge sharing, content sales, school education and more.

In response to the increase in the number of online high school students, we will add new features to our system in the next version update scheduled at the end of March 2024, which will contribute to accelerating the digitalization in education.

Learner Assessment

One of our new features, Assessment tag, will allow you to assess learners' knowledge, skills, atitude and values on learningBOX.

■ Challenges
Teachers have used Excel for assessment, however, there are difficulties in solving problems regarding human error and legitimate evaluation. In addition, the school management system including student roster, report cards and attendance book is needed to reflect the evaluations. They said that these operations had to be handled manually.

Using our new feature results in automated assessment on learningBOX, and there will be no need for teachers to enter and analyze the big data in the Excel file. Furthermore, API integration into the existing administration support system will automate the daily tasks.

Management page regarding "Assessment tag"

Grading Workflow

This function allows you to assign graders to grade submissions and check the status of the grading process.

■ Challenges
Teachers had to assign graders manually and submissions were sent back to learners by mail.

The time-consuming tasks mentioned above will be automated on learningBOX, and each visualized workflow will result in checking the progress at a glance. In addition, the function will contribute to cost-saving and work efficiency, eliminating the need for mailing.

Management page regarding "Grading workflow"

Future Vision

Our mission is "we will empower people to learn anytime and anywhere, and to succeed in their future." We will continue to add more functions to support and streamline the diverse operations of online schools.

We will listen to our customers and bring forward with them,and will develop functions including managing reservations and attendance, and facial recognition for anti-cheating to support them.

Contact us from the following URL:

*The product specifications and other information in this press release are current at the time of publication. They are subject to change without notice.

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