Press Release

learningBOX awarded "Good Service" in the e-Learning (System) category of the BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024

Awarded for 5 consecutive terms of the "BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024"

learningBOX, an e-learning system developed and provided by learningBOX, Inc., has been selected as a "Good (hereinafter referred to as "Smart Camp") in the e-learning (system) category of the "BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024."
This is the fifth time that learningBOX has received this award, following the "BOXIL SaaS AWARD Spring 2024.

BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024

The "BOXIL SaaS AWARD" is an event in which Smart Camp, operator of the SaaS * comparison site "BOXIL SaaS," judges, selects, and awards outstanding SaaS. The "BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024" is judged based on approximately 18,000 new reviews posted on "BOXIL SaaS" during the year from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

*SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It refers to a form in which functions previously provided as packaged software are now offered as a cloud service.

The "Good Service" award in the e-Learning (System) category, which LearningBOX received this year, was given to the service with the highest total score in each category based on reviews posted on BOXIL SaaS.

To find the details and selection criteria for the BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024, visit the official website.


Here are some of the user reviews of learningBOX that have appeared in BOXIL SaaS.

More positive impacts on human resource development
This service allows us to create questions about the rquired knowledge for training. The number of questions solved can also be tracked from the grade page on the system, visualizing which areas should be improved.

Source: Smart Camp, BOXIL SaaS:

E-learning can be easily created without specialized knowledge
It was easy to operate and I could easily create e-learning courses without any technical knowledge.
The system also provides easy content management and user management, and learningBOX has an e-commerce function that allows users to sell the content they have created.

Source: Smart Camp, BOXIL SaaS:

■ Find more about learningBOX reviews from here
■Read more about BOXIL SaaS AWARD Summer 2024 award-winning services from here

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