Press Release

Seminar on the use of AI technology for online examination fraud prevention functions held. learningBOX

Prevention of cheating and spoofing to ensure safe and fair online exam administration

learningBOX Corporation will hold a webinar on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 on the "AI-based Cheating and Spoofing Exam Fraud Prevention Function" to ensure fairness in online exam operations while preventing cheating.

Social Background and Development

Following the Corona Disaster, and in line with changes in society, such as the promotion of DX, more and more examinations are being replaced by online examinations, which used to be conducted on paper.
However, online examinations* are more difficult to monitor than paper-based examinations, and cheating such as cheating and spoofing are more likely to occur, which is a major problem in their operation.
Therefore, in order to realize test operations that ensure fairness while preventing fraud, we have expanded the AI-based anti-fraud function in the learningBOX in the June 2024 version upgrade.

*Online testing...This is a method of taking the exam using a computer or tablet. There are two types of online examinations: CBT (Computer Based Testing), in which the exam is taken mainly on a computer in a designated venue, and IBT (Internet Based Testing), in which each examinee takes the exam at home.

About the anti-fraud feature of learningBOX

The anti-fraud function of the learningBOX can be used to deter cheating and spoofing of examinations, as well as to record and view student operations.

Anti-Fraud Key Features

  • Face Recognition by AI
  • Browser Monitoring
  • Photography during the test
  • Viewing test monitoring logs

▼ Learn more about proctoring features on IBT and CBT
Anti-Fraud Measures | Features | learningBOX e-learning system

Streamlines examinee management, scoring, and other operations related to online exam operations

In addition to fraud prevention, learningBOX has a complete set of functions to support the entire operation of online examinations, from question creation and management, to examinee management, score storage, exam sales, and exam registration.

  • AI Report Analysis," an AI-based grading aid
  • Score Chart Summarizes Grades, Trends and Status
  • Badges and Certificates
  • Self-Registration and eCommerce

▼ Click here for a document that shows how to realize IBT and CBT examinations.

About this Webinar

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the use of AI-based cheating and spoofing exam fraud prevention features.

Recommended for

  • Those who want to prevent spoofing and cheating on online exams.
  • Those who are having trouble detecting fraud in online examinations.
  • Those who have management or man-hour concerns about fraud prevention in recruitment/promotion testing.
  • Those who have not been able to switch from paper-based examinations and tests.

What you will learn in this webinar

What fraud prevention measures can learningBOX take?
We will show you how fraud can be prevented by using the AI-based identity verification function (to prevent identity theft) and browser monitoring function (to prevent cheating) in concrete terms with a demonstration.

Explanation of anti-fraud functions
We will tell you how to set up the system on the learningBOX and the flow of the system when fraud is detected.

Terms of use and precautions for anti-fraud functions
We will inform you of the points to keep in mind when using the anti-fraud function and the conditions necessary for its use.
Please feel free to join us to discuss anti-fraud features as well as to answer any concerns, questions, or concerns you may have about switching from paper to online testing.

Webinar Overview

"Preventing cheating on online exams, what features does AI prevent cheating and spoofing?"
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 12:00-13:00
Admission: Free
Speaker: Shusuke Kashiwabara, Support Section, learningBOX Corporation
How to apply: Please apply from the following URL
*For those who are unable to attend the webinar, an archived webinar will be available at a later date. If you are interested, please register first and we will send you the URL after the webinar.

We will strongly support the digitalization of education and learning by providing a secure and fair online testing environment.

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