Press Release

LearningBOX donated the "Morning Elementary News This and That" bulletin board again this year.

In this age of free access to information, we need to provide valuable and reliable information to children.

LearningBOX Inc. has donated Asahi Photo News' "Morning Elementary News This and That" bulletin board to "Tatsuno Municipal Oyake Elementary School" following last year's donation.

What is "Asa Elementary School News This and That" Bulletin Board?

Once a week, four selected photos and news items from the fields of economics, culture, politics, science, and sports are posted on a bulletin board in the school. In an age when information is freely available, we continue to provide children with valuable and reliable information that they should value.

learningBOX Corporation aims to realize a society in which everyone in the world can freely learn what they want, whenever and wherever they want, for as long as they want. Following last year's donation of the "Morning Elementary News This and That" bulletin board, we hope that it will help children to cultivate their reading and thinking skills while having fun and broadening their horizons.

learningBOX, Inc. will continue to support the future of children through various activities.

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